Wednesday, June 21, 2017

DIY Nursery Part 4: Handmade Crib Skirt

This post is Part 4 of a series on my DIY nursery.  Click here for Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 5

Our beautiful hand-dyed yellow crib needed an equally adorable crib skirt to tie everything together.  That said, calling this project a crib "skirt" seems a little misleading, since it quite honestly is just three hemmed rectangles tacked onto the mattress support.  First off, if you've ever shopped for crib skirts you will be amazed at the wide variety in price points (anywhere from $10 to $104 including shipping), and yet surprising lack of color or character in any of them.  So.  Many.  White ruffly things that are going to bunch up in an unsightly fashion when you lower the crib as baby grows.  Clearly, I'm not the only one with this gripe, as I found this fabulous and entertaining blog post on How to Make / Sew an Easy DIY Crib Skirt.  I used 52 1/4" inches of 60" wide gray decorator canvas I had left over from another project and then followed the instructions basically to the letter.   The lighting in this picture isn't great, but the gray matches the wall color surprisingly well.  Finally, I added my own special touches by sewing on premade pompom trim (approx $3.25 a yard after coupons) and handmade felt appliques that perfectly match the critters in the crib sheets we picked out.  All told, the project cost me about $12 in trim and felt, plus it helped me clean out the fabric stash that is currently taking over half of Baby's closet.  I call that a win!

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